Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Good Beer (and Cheese)

I tried a new beer over the weekend while in Madison, Wisconsin for a friend's wedding- Wisconsin Amber from Capital Brewery. Its local to the Madison area and was good. Damn good. It doesn't replace Star Hill Amber Ale (from Charlottesville, Virginia) as my all-time favorite beer, but it might be second. I meant to buy some more of the Amber and pick up a variety pack before I left, but in rush to leave Monday morning to fight the holiday traffic, I forgot (I also forgot to pick up some cheese from Ehlenbach's Cheese Chalet, which was across the street from our hotel; no beer, no cheese- all in all, I pretty much failed). I gonna have to rely on Jungle Jim's now to come through for me. They carry beers from all over the country (though not my favored Star Hill); hopefully they have this one.

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