Monday, June 2, 2008

Home of the Hoinke Classic

Western Bowl in Developer's Sights

I know I'm not a Westsider (never have been, never tried to be), but this is bad. Cincinnati can't lose Western Bowl. Where will West Side adolescents go if they can't hang out at Western Bowl ('cause let's face it, there's not much to do here if you're under 21, or even 18 for that matter)? And more importantly, what will happen to the Hoinke Classic?!?! I would hope the West Side would rise up as one and save Western Bowl from the wreaking ball. Like I said, this is bad...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tragedy in the true sense of the word. You know, though I would never admit it to your face :), you are actually quite a talented humor writer. I suppose all those Klosterman books HAD to amount to something.